Posts Tagged "text"

The AQUADEA Crystal and Vortex. Technology for the growing new society.

The AQUADEA Crystal and Vortex. Technology for the growing new society.

...................... To get to the Aquadea Vortex Products  -----> please click here Here you will find the analysis from Dr. Hoefer - crystal-analysis The AQUADEA Crystal and Vortex This information most likely comes to you today because you have already been informed about our innovative products in the area of water vitalization. These products incorporate the ingenious vortex technology. It was our mission to build upon and further the fundamentals established by Viktor Schauberger regarding water vortices. We are more than happy to say that our actual vortex technology including its vortex cells is one of a kind! Furthermore it is a pleasure for us to discover that you have become interested in creating your life in a more conscious manner. In some...

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